Silence the Self-Doubt, Overwhelm & Procrastination

Shorten the Book-Writing Process & Finally Finish the Book You’re Meant to Write

with my proven, step-by-step guidance that has already helped thousands of writers become published authors!

Silence the Self-Doubt, Overwhelm & Procrastination

Shorten the Book-Writing Process & Finally Finish the Book You’re Meant to Write

with my proven, step-by-step guidance that has already helped thousands of writers become published authors!

You know you’re meant to write a book.

It’s there. You can feel it. 

But it won’t come out. 

There’s a block. A struggle. Something is standing in the way. 

Writing the book feels too hard. 

And for countless reasons! 

You know you’re meant to write a book.

It’s there. You can feel it. 

But it won’t come out. 

There’s a block. A struggle. Something is standing in the way. 

Writing the book feels too hard. 

And for countless reasons! 

There are 3 main challenges

when you want to write your book:

Challenge #1:


You probably have enough expertise, experience and stories to fill up volumes of books. An entire set of encyclopedias, even. So…

  • How do you choose which topic to focus on? Which subject? What ideas?

  • What do you put into your book and what do you leave out?

  • How do you structure everything so it flows from one chapter to the next?

There are 3 main challenges when you want to write your book:

Challenge #1:


You probably have enough expertise, experience and stories to fill up volumes of books. An entire set of encyclopedias, even. So…

  • How do you choose which topic to focus on? Which subject? What ideas?

  • What do you put into your book and what do you leave out?

  • How do you structure everything so it flows from one chapter to the next?

Challenge #2:


You have a message you want to share with the world… but how do you know what you have to say is even worth saying?

  • What do you do when there are already hundreds of books on your subject matter, topic or genre?

  • How do you compete against bestselling authors, celebrities and people who seem to have more experience than you?

  • How can you sit down, power through and write when negative self-talk, lack of confidence and limiting beliefs crowd your brain — paralyzing you?

Challenge #2:


You have a message you want to share with the world… but how do you know what you have to say is even worth saying?

  • What do you do when there are already hundreds of books on your subject matter, topic or genre?

  • How do you compete against bestselling authors, celebrities and people who seem to have more experience than you?

  • How can you sit down, power through and write when negative self-talk, lack of confidence and limiting beliefs crowd your brain — paralyzing you?

Challenge #3:


Most aspiring writers are working day jobs, running businesses, taking care of children or doing a million other things… like getting distracted by email, social media and ahem endless research.

  • So where do you find the time to write?

  • How do you find the energy when you’re dead tired?

  • Do you wake up earlier or stay up later?

Challenge #3:


Most aspiring writers are working day jobs, running businesses, taking care of children or doing a million other things… like getting distracted by email, social media and ahem endless research.

  • So where do you find the time to write?

  • How do you find the energy when you’re dead tired?

  • Do you wake up earlier or stay up later?

But the worst part is...

Most aspiring authors face

all 3 challenges at once.

This means that at any given time, you’re moving from overwhelm (there’s so much to share)to doubt (my stuff isn’t good enough)to guilt and regret (I still don’t have time to write)

And then you have the pleasure of starting the cycle over again. 

Sound familiar?

Yep, I’ve been there too. 

But I got out of the cycle and went on to publish my own best-sellers… and I’ve guided thousands of writers just like you to get their books done and published, too. 

But the worst part is...

Most aspiring authors face

all 3 challenges at once.

This means that at any given time, you’re moving from overwhelm (there’s so much to share)to doubt (my stuff isn’t good enough)to guilt and regret (I still don’t have time to write)

And then you have the pleasure of starting the cycle over again. 

Sound familiar?

Yep, I’ve been there too. 

But I got out of the cycle and went on to publish my own best-sellers… and I’ve guided thousands of writers just like you to get their books done and published, too. 

Hi, I’m Christine Kloser

a USA Today & Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author, Award-Winning Publisher & Transformational Author Coach.

I’m a four-time award-winning author, and my books have been featured in major media including Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, ABC, Los Angeles Times, and more. I’ve hit best-seller lists like USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Top 100 overall for Amazon print books, and my work has been personally endorsed by New York Times best-selling authors Neale Donald Walsch, Lisa Nichols, Gay Hendricks, Marcia Weider, John Assaraff, SARK, and many more.

And now, my team and I want to help you get your book out of your head, heart and soul… and on to the printed page where you’ll inspire and transform the lives of your readers and have a bigger impact in the world.

Here’s the thing. I don’t write fiction. But I’m sure you’ve noticed that fiction writing is the subject of the vast majority of author training out there. 

That’s why none of those workshops, seminars, courses, retreats, writing groups, or other programs will work for you. 

They weren’t meant for you. 

Transformational nonfiction (which includes self-help, memoir, and how-to) is a different type of work, and it requires a radically different approach… one that I’ve mastered, and have gone on to teach for more than a decade. 

Hi, I’m Christine Kloser

a USA Today & Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author, Award-Winning Publisher & Transformational Author Coach.

I’m a four-time award-winning author, and my books have been featured in major media including Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, ABC, Los Angeles Times, and more. I’ve hit best-seller lists like USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Top 100 overall for Amazon print books, and my work has been personally endorsed by New York Times best-selling authors Neale Donald Walsch, Lisa Nichols, Gay Hendricks, Marcia Weider, John Assaraff, SARK, and many more.

And now, my team and I want to help you get your book out of your head, heart and soul… and on to the printed page where you’ll inspire and transform the lives of your readers and have a bigger impact in the world.

Here’s the thing. I don’t write fiction. But I’m sure you’ve noticed that fiction writing is the subject of the vast majority of author training out there. 

That’s why none of those workshops, seminars, courses, retreats, writing groups, or other programs will work for you. 

They weren’t meant for you. 

Transformational nonfiction (which includes self-help, memoir, and how-to) is a different type of work, and it requires a radically different approach… one that I’ve mastered, and have gone on to teach for more than a decade. 

Master These 3 Steps to

Get Your Book Done

step 01

Get Crystal Clear On

Your Message

It sounds obvious when I say it like that. But if you can’t speak clearly about your book, what it covers and exactly who it helps in three minutes or less… this is one of the reasons why you’re struggling to write it.

The secret here is to do some insightful, guided soul-searching, so you can isolate the core message of your book and clarify its purpose, and then, its content. 

step 02

Remove Blocks, Limits

and Barriers

Of all the different types of people in the world, writers are probably more fearful of rejection than others. And yet… they are the exact same types of people who willingly expose themselves, their lives and share their wisdom with the world. That’s bravery!

But if you’re constantly facing “the negative voices” in your own head, you will never get your book done in a way you’re satisfied with… so we need to conquer the fears and self-doubt so you can write with confidence.

step 03

Write Naturally & Effortlessly So Every Extra Minute Counts

Once you have clarity on what you’re saying… and the self-belief to let yourself say it… the rest simply becomes logistics. Because what happens is, you’ll discover an inner drive unlike anything you’ve experienced before. You’ll be pulled toward your goal of finishing the book. 

As a result, you’ll find every extra minute, hour or block of time you can… and feel motivated to write even if you’re tired, exhausted, or stressed out from your day.

And that’s how you can write your book in a few months… rather than a few years (or decades).

Of course, there’s more work that goes into each step… but this is the foundation.

We’ve taught this exact program to thousands of authors now. 

Many are published. Many have appeared on major media and spoken on stages around the world. Many have built successful 6- and even 7-figure businesses. Others have fulfilled their legacy.

Now it’s your turn…

It’s time to join thousands of authors inside the program and…


Access the Proven System for

Writing Your Transformational Book, Impacting More Lives and Fulfilling Your Calling as an Author

The Get Your Book Done® program digs deep into your mind, your heart, your soul as a writer — and guides you through the process of writing a book that’s true to you and the difference you want to make in the world.

The Get Your Book Done® program digs deep into your mind, your heart, your soul as a writer — and guides you through the process of writing a book that’s true to you and the difference you want to make in the world.

“Nothing Is as Comprehensive as Get Your Book Done"

I’m thrilled to say my book, Living Life From The Inside Out, was released on March 2, 2018! The early sales were better than expected and the feedback has been positive. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in publishing a book. I’m glad I found this program and even happier to say I Got It Done!”

Jean-Ann Cooper

Author, Living Life From The Inside Out

“Christine is the Best in the Field”

I thought about writing a book for six years. I had a few ideas and tried some other avenues but they always felt like a factory which did not work for me. Thankfully, someone referred me to Christine and the Get Your Book Done program and now I’m proud to say my book is done! Words cannot express how much this program has transformed me. I now have a sense of clarity, purpose, authenticity and impact that I know will inspire me for decades to come. As far as I’m concerned, this is by far the best option out there to get your book done.

Hon. Shelyna Brown

Author, Preside Over Your Life

“Like Having a Book Midwife from Conception to Birth”

For several years I had a nudge to write a book, but I had no idea what its content would be – nor how to go about writing it. I signed up for Get Your Book Done and stayed engaged in the process. Very quickly I gained clarity on my book’s core message and title, and even what my book cover would look like. Without Christine and her program my first book, Blossom, and my second book, Pleasure IQ, would not be here today…”

Carolin Hauser

Author, Blossom and Pleasure IQ

Here’s what’s included in the

Get Your Book Done® COURSE:

After guiding more than 80,000 authors, personally publishing more than 650 of their stories, and interviewing more than 125 best-selling authors and experts in our industry, I’ve carefully refined the Get Your Book Done® course to what it is today.

This self-paced program covers twelve simple, step-by-step modules. Most modules have three to seven lessons you can easily check-off in a week’s time. But it’s not about formulas and steps. It’s a soulful guide through the inner work required to produce your best and most impactful book



How To Get Your Best Ideas To Start Flowing

This is the first step in your journey to the finished manuscript. In this module, we’re laying the crucial groundwork that sets you on the right path. 

By the end of it, you’ll be able to write more easily, faster… without wasting time, money or energy. You’ll know exactly what you need to do to create your best book possible… one that is a true representation and reflection of you.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • How to develop a real, genuine and authentic relationship with your readers… to “shift” their lives, impact them at a profound, positive level… and transform them

  • The worst possible reason to write a book — and how it will tax your soul for years to come (I personally lost years and half-a-million dollars by making this one mistake, before I figured it out)

  • A critical and necessary process which, if ignored or done wrong, can and will lead to everything falling flat in your book. You’ll have a harder time writing it and fewer people will want to read it.

  • One simple word change in your writing that could get people writing and emailing you — thanking you for changing their lives (or, if ignored, would create complete disconnect with your readers)

  • A sure way to build up enough inner strength to fend off the negative self-talk, limiting beliefs and the self-doubting voices. (With this, it’s like you have a mute button for your “monkey mind”)!



How To Get Your Best Ideas To Start Flowing

This is the first step in your journey to the finished manuscript. In this module, we’re laying the crucial groundwork that sets you on the right path. 

By the end of it, you’ll be able to write more easily, faster… without wasting time, money or energy. You’ll know exactly what you need to do to create your best book possible… one that is a true representation and reflection of you.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • How to develop a real, genuine and authentic relationship with your readers… to “shift” their lives, impact them at a profound, positive level… and transform them

  • The worst possible reason to write a book — and how it will tax your soul for years to come (I personally lost years and half-a-million dollars by making this one mistake, before I figured it out)

  • A critical and necessary process which, if ignored or done wrong, can and will lead to everything falling flat in your book. You’ll have a harder time writing it and fewer people will want to read it.

  • One simple word change in your writing that could get people writing and emailing you — thanking you for changing their lives (or, if ignored, would create complete disconnect with your readers)

  • A sure way to build up enough inner strength to fend off the negative self-talk, limiting beliefs and the self-doubting voices. (With this, it’s like you have a mute button for your “monkey mind”)!



Get Crystal Clear on Your Message Using Our Insightful Questionnaire

Now that we’ve created a solid ground beneath you, we'll start chipping away at the big marble slab to uncover your masterpiece.

You may have a flood of ideas, or very little. You may have a million thoughts, or a few key ones. The question here is… which one do you start with and which ones do you shelve for future books?

That’s what this module is about. You’ll sharpen, refine, and hone your message until there is absolute clarity on what you want to convey to the world. In other words… the value, purpose and impact you want to have.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • The two most important questions to guide your writing forward. You’ll go through a powerful “street language” exercise to uncover your most valuable message — what you’ll write about.

  • A “backward” exercise that may seem strange when writing your book… but if done properly, leads you to the purist clarity of message… freeing you to write with ease.

  • The first 250-300 words you must write now, before writing a single word in your “actual book.” This single page of words could mean the difference between success or failure. (Yes, it’s that important.)

  • A funny but powerful reason why you should write your title, subtitle and what goes on the back cover of your book now… And not after you’ve written your book.



Get Crystal Clear on Your Message Using Our Insightful Questionnaire

Now that we’ve created a solid ground beneath you, we'll start chipping away at the big marble slab to uncover your masterpiece.

You may have a flood of ideas, or very little. You may have a million thoughts, or a few key ones. The question here is… which one do you start with and which ones do you shelve for future books?

That’s what this module is about. You’ll sharpen, refine, and hone your message until there is absolute clarity on what you want to convey to the world. In other words… the value, purpose and impact you want to have.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • The two most important questions to guide your writing forward. You’ll go through a powerful “street language” exercise to uncover your most valuable message — what you’ll write about.

  • A “backward” exercise that may seem strange when writing your book… but if done properly, leads you to the purist clarity of message… freeing you to write with ease.

  • The first 250-300 words you must write now, before writing a single word in your “actual book.” This single page of words could mean the difference between success or failure. (Yes, it’s that important.)

  • A funny but powerful reason why you should write your title, subtitle and what goes on the back cover of your book now… And not after you’ve written your book.



Why You’re NOT Prematurely Thinking Ahead By Planning Your Marketing

You may be thinking, “we’re only in module three and we’re talking about marketing?!” Don’t be surprised. It may seem counter-intuitive to think about branding, platforms, and building a business around your book… but let me assure you, NOW is the time to do it.

Why? Because you’ll want to make sure everything is set up for your book to succeed the moment it’s published. This is where you clearly define the broader vision… 

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • The secrets of how to build a platform — that’s “publishing speak” for having fans, followers and evangelists… even before you write your book!

  • Why “branding” matters, but not in the way you think. I had a young yoga teacher crying in public when she found out how wrong she’d done this…

  • How to create additional income streams from your book. Most authors don’t realize that selling books often doesn’t make a whole lot of money.  Here, we’ll show you how to build a six or seven figure income “working around that.”



Why You’re NOT Prematurely Thinking Ahead By Planning Your Marketing

You may be thinking, “we’re only in module three and we’re talking about marketing?!” Don’t be surprised. It may seem counter-intuitive to think about branding, platforms, and building a business around your book… but let me assure you, NOW is the time to do it.

Why? Because you’ll want to make sure everything is set up for your book to succeed the moment it’s published. This is where you clearly define the broader vision… 

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • The secrets of how to build a platform — that’s “publishing speak” for having fans, followers and evangelists… even before you write your book!

  • Why “branding” matters, but not in the way you think. I had a young yoga teacher crying in public when she found out how wrong she’d done this…

  • How to create additional income streams from your book. Most authors don’t realize that selling books often doesn’t make a whole lot of money.  Here, we’ll show you how to build a six or seven figure income “working around that.”




Yes, You Can Trademark Your Stuff (It’s easy!)

It might not be something you’ve even considered, but YES… I want you to think about trademarking the big idea(s) you’ll be teaching in your book. 

This is especially powerful if your book will deliver a framework, process, or mechanism for some sort of transformation or growth. 

And the best part is… once you’ve secured your trademark, you might even be able to make some additional money off it. 

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • Why you want to look into trademarking your “technology” (and I don’t mean an invention, design or machine!)

  • Not sure if you have a technology? You do, and this module shows you how to uncover it and turn it into something that can be trademarked.

  • What if the URL for your book title is taken? Here’s how to remedy that cheaply and effectively




Yes, You Can Trademark Your Stuff (It’s easy!)

It might not be something you’ve even considered, but YES… I want you to think about trademarking the big idea(s) you’ll be teaching in your book. 

This is especially powerful if your book will deliver a framework, process, or mechanism for some sort of transformation or growth. 

And the best part is… once you’ve secured your trademark, you might even be able to make some additional money off it. 

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • Why you want to look into trademarking your “technology” (and I don’t mean an invention, design or machine!)

  • Not sure if you have a technology? You do, and this module shows you how to uncover it and turn it into something that can be trademarked.

  • What if the URL for your book title is taken? Here’s how to remedy that cheaply and effectively




Four Things You Need To Check Before You Start Writing Your Book

As a transformational author, you don’t have to do much research outside yourself. The main way of writing your book is to dig in, soul-search and allow your message to flow onto the paper.  After all, we’re talking about your experience, skill, talent, stories and wisdom here.

However — there are four pieces of research you must take care of in spite of that. In this module, we’ll tell you what they each are and why you must go “outside yourself” to ensure the success of your book.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • The four crucial facts that will ensure your book sells well once it’s published.

  • How to reverse engineer the current bestselling books and borrow their strategies without compromising your unique message. We’re not stealing details or plagiarizing here, we are borrowing principles and making them your own

  • A fun and simple exercise that will help you lay the groundwork for an irresistible book cover. Now —you may say, “Isn’t that my publisher’s job? Shouldn’t they be hiring a graphic designer for me?”… Well, yes and no. A bad cover can ruin book sales, so it’s your job to protect your baby and add your input.

  • How to structure your book so you’ll know exactly what to write from one chapter to the next. You’ll never stare at a blank page and wonder what to do ever again!




Four Things You Need To Check Before You Start Writing Your Book

As a transformational author, you don’t have to do much research outside yourself. The main way of writing your book is to dig in, soul-search and allow your message to flow onto the paper.  After all, we’re talking about your experience, skill, talent, stories and wisdom here.

However — there are four pieces of research you must take care of in spite of that. In this module, we’ll tell you what they each are and why you must go “outside yourself” to ensure the success of your book.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • The four crucial facts that will ensure your book sells well once it’s published.

  • How to reverse engineer the current bestselling books and borrow their strategies without compromising your unique message. We’re not stealing details or plagiarizing here, we are borrowing principles and making them your own

  • A fun and simple exercise that will help you lay the groundwork for an irresistible book cover. Now —you may say, “Isn’t that my publisher’s job? Shouldn’t they be hiring a graphic designer for me?”… Well, yes and no. A bad cover can ruin book sales, so it’s your job to protect your baby and add your input.

  • How to structure your book so you’ll know exactly what to write from one chapter to the next. You’ll never stare at a blank page and wonder what to do ever again!



Give Your Book a Clear Road Map So the Writing Is Easy

By this time in the program, you’ve done a lot of brainstorming, clarifying, and built a focused vision for your book… so now it’s time to map it all out. We’re going to take all those ideas, thoughts, stories, quotes, bits of paper, reams of research and more…And we’re going to lay it all out and put it back together in such a compelling way that you can’t help but write your book naturally and effortlessly. 

When we’re done, you’ll never suffer from writer’s block, negative beliefs or self-doubts. Everything will be spelled out for you… it’s just a matter of writing it all out.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • A 6-step process for generating a working outline for your book

  • My favorite tool to sort and organize your ideas… and you probably have 100 of them in your writing desk already

  • A surprisingly simple method for taking your pile of ideas and turning them into the bones of your book

  • Why I don’t want you to work on your book every day, at this point in the process

  • How to prepare your mind, heart, and space for the writing process you’re about to undertake (how exciting!)



Give Your Book a Clear Road Map So the Writing Is Easy

By this time in the program, you’ve done a lot of brainstorming, clarifying, and built a focused vision for your book… so now it’s time to map it all out. We’re going to take all those ideas, thoughts, stories, quotes, bits of paper, reams of research and more…And we’re going to lay it all out and put it back together in such a compelling way that you can’t help but write your book naturally and effortlessly. 

When we’re done, you’ll never suffer from writer’s block, negative beliefs or self-doubts. Everything will be spelled out for you… it’s just a matter of writing it all out.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • A 6-step process for generating a working outline for your book

  • My favorite tool to sort and organize your ideas… and you probably have 100 of them in your writing desk already

  • A surprisingly simple method for taking your pile of ideas and turning them into the bones of your book

  • Why I don’t want you to work on your book every day, at this point in the process

  • How to prepare your mind, heart, and space for the writing process you’re about to undertake (how exciting!)



Finding Your Personal Writing Style

Every author writes differently. Some write at night after putting their kids to bed. Others wake up super-early. Some write in short 15- minute bursts whenever they can. Others need to write in “blocks” or chunks… while a few need to escape for a day somewhere.

Every writer is different. This module is about finding out those differences and figuring out what works best for you.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • Different writing styles and how to identify the ones that are right for you

  • Two simple tools to bypass writer’s block… and never feel stuck staring at the blank page again

  • How to find your focus in your overall writing approach, so you don’t waste time with endless revisions

  • More ways to move forward with your writing, even when you don’t feel inspired



Finding Your Personal Writing Style

Every author writes differently. Some write at night after putting their kids to bed. Others wake up super-early. Some write in short 15- minute bursts whenever they can. Others need to write in “blocks” or chunks… while a few need to escape for a day somewhere.

Every writer is different. This module is about finding out those differences and figuring out what works best for you.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • Different writing styles and how to identify the ones that are right for you

  • Two simple tools to bypass writer’s block… and never feel stuck staring at the blank page again

  • How to find your focus in your overall writing approach, so you don’t waste time with endless revisions

  • More ways to move forward with your writing, even when you don’t feel inspired



Breaking the Myths on “Finding Time To Write”

This is it. This is where the rubber meets the road. 

In this module, I’ll give you my best tips for breaking through the “no time to write” barrier. It really doesn’t have to be so hard. 

These are some of the tactics you’ll learn in this module:

  • A nine-step system to get in “the zone” so you can write effortlessly and naturally

  • A strategy to get seven chapters done in seven days

  • Writing music — should you or shouldn’t you listen… and what kind?

  • Should you write one hour a day or in 3-hour chunks? What will get you the most results?

  • What’s the best time to write? It’s not what your gut is telling you right now

  • How long should your book be?

  • And more! 



Breaking the Myths on “Finding Time To Write”

This is it. This is where the rubber meets the road. 

In this module, I’ll give you my best tips for breaking through the “no time to write” barrier. It really doesn’t have to be so hard. 

These are some of the tactics you’ll learn in this module:

  • A nine-step system to get in “the zone” so you can write effortlessly and naturally

  • A strategy to get seven chapters done in seven days

  • Writing music — should you or shouldn’t you listen… and what kind?

  • Should you write one hour a day or in 3-hour chunks? What will get you the most results?

  • What’s the best time to write? It’s not what your gut is telling you right now

  • How long should your book be?

  • And more! 



Staying on Track to the Very Last Word

You’ve probably heard this phrase from bicyclists, marathon runners and Olympic athletes before… but it’s worth hearing again and again as we get into the final stretch of writing your inspirational, transformational book.

“It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.”

This module is where we’ll be guiding you, encouraging you, nudging you, and coaching until you get the entire first draft written. We’ll also give you some effective strategies that we’ve personally taught… and have helped hundreds of aspiring authors become published authors.

Here’s what we’re going over:

  • The most frequent obstacle I see to staying on track when the thrill of writing starts to wear off

  • The #1 thing to focus on as you undergo this process

  • My favorite mantras you can use to keep your head in the game and your fingers in motion

  • The surprising little tool that will help you stay on track and keep your energy high



Staying on Track to the Very Last Word

You’ve probably heard this phrase from bicyclists, marathon runners and Olympic athletes before… but it’s worth hearing again and again as we get into the final stretch of writing your inspirational, transformational book.

“It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.”

This module is where we’ll be guiding you, encouraging you, nudging you, and coaching until you get the entire first draft written. We’ll also give you some effective strategies that we’ve personally taught… and have helped hundreds of aspiring authors become published authors.

Here’s what we’re going over:

  • The most frequent obstacle I see to staying on track when the thrill of writing starts to wear off

  • The #1 thing to focus on as you undergo this process

  • My favorite mantras you can use to keep your head in the game and your fingers in motion

  • The surprising little tool that will help you stay on track and keep your energy high




What’s Working In Publishing Today?

The first Kindle was released in 2007. It’s hard to believe how huge of an impact this little device has had on our industry. Today, nearly 2 million new titles are self-published… each and every year. There are “Kindle Millionaires.” And it’s as easy as uploading your document on to Amazon.

But — that doesn’t guarantee success. Truth is, publishing is more complicated than ever and still filled with a lot of empty promises. Both in traditional and self-publishing. And this module’s job is to protect you from all the pitfalls and challenges.

Here’s some of what we cover in this module: 

  • The top three publishing models today

  • How to choose the right one for you

  • What you can expect based on which path you choose




What’s Working In Publishing Today?

The first Kindle was released in 2007. It’s hard to believe how huge of an impact this little device has had on our industry. Today, nearly 2 million new titles are self-published… each and every year. There are “Kindle Millionaires.” And it’s as easy as uploading your document on to Amazon.

But — that doesn’t guarantee success. Truth is, publishing is more complicated than ever and still filled with a lot of empty promises. Both in traditional and self-publishing. And this module’s job is to protect you from all the pitfalls and challenges.

Here’s some of what we cover in this module: 

  • The top three publishing models today

  • How to choose the right one for you

  • What you can expect based on which path you choose



The Final Checklist Before Launch

We’re close to countdown! But you’re not quite ready for publishing. What are the final things to take care of? Layered editing, peer reviews and endorsements are definitely some (I’ll show you how I got Neale Donald Walsch to give me a glowing foreword for my book, The Freedom Formula…)

Here’s what we’re talking about in this module:

  • My proprietary 4-step process for polishing your manuscript

  • Critical steps to develop your front and back matter

  • The unique pages you want to include at the end of your book so you can get maximum leverage for your business

  • How to use peer review productively to improve your manuscript (instead of getting derailed in the review process)



The Final Checklist Before Launch

We’re close to countdown! But you’re not quite ready for publishing. What are the final things to take care of? Layered editing, peer reviews and endorsements are definitely some (I’ll show you how I got Neale Donald Walsch to give me a glowing foreword for my book, The Freedom Formula…)

Here’s what we’re talking about in this module:

  • My proprietary 4-step process for polishing your manuscript

  • Critical steps to develop your front and back matter

  • The unique pages you want to include at the end of your book so you can get maximum leverage for your business

  • How to use peer review productively to improve your manuscript (instead of getting derailed in the review process)



You Are Not Alone!

So you’ve written your book, you’ve published and it’s starting to sell. Is that it? Of course not. Giving birth to your book is just the first of many phases as a newly minted author. There are many more to come.  

This module is about reminding you that while you might have written your book by yourself, you’re not alone. We’ll also show you a great vehicle to get visibility for your book. Promoting, marketing and selling your book may present challenges, but with this final module you’ll be empowered to succeed in a league of its own: the league of published authors.

Here’s what we’re going over:

  • Concrete steps you need to take as you approach the publishing process… and how not to get lost as you take them

  • Ways to keep the momentum going so you can cross that exciting finish line

  • Where to get the support you need as you complete these final steps



You Are Not Alone!

So you’ve written your book, you’ve published and it’s starting to sell. Is that it? Of course not. Giving birth to your book is just the first of many phases as a newly minted author. There are many more to come.  

This module is about reminding you that while you might have written your book by yourself, you’re not alone. We’ll also show you a great vehicle to get visibility for your book. Promoting, marketing and selling your book may present challenges, but with this final module you’ll be empowered to succeed in a league of its own: the league of published authors.

Here’s what we’re going over:

  • Concrete steps you need to take as you approach the publishing process… and how not to get lost as you take them

  • How to find the right publishing path for you and your book

  • Ways to keep the momentum going so you can cross that exciting finish line

  • Where to get the support you need as you complete these final steps

“You’ll Become an Empowered and Impactful Author”

Christine Kloser provides top-notch training for writers who want to become successful doing what they love to do. Listen to her, follow her guidance, and—providing you act on it—you’ll become an empowered and impactful author.

Marc Allen

President of New World Library Publisher of Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now

“Knows How To Make Writing A Book So Much Easier”

I wish I had Christine as my transformational author coach when I first got started with my book. She knows how to make writing a book so much easier!

Lisa Nichols

New York Times Best Selling Author

“Brings The Best Out Of You”

Christine knows exactly the right questions to bring out the best in you and what you’re here to share. She’s up to great things, and if you have the chance to get coached by her to write your book, I highly recommend you do.

Gay Hendricks, PhD

New York Times Bestselling Author

This course has everything you need to become a published author

in mere months, not years. 

By the time you’ve done your week’s work (if you can even call it that)… you’ll be surprised by how productive you were and how empowering the process is. 

I’ve laid everything out for you, step by step, piece by piece. We move from one logical headspace to the next, in a way that draws your book out naturally… rather than imposing rigid structures and templates that don’t fit you and your style. 

Here’s a summary of..

What you’ll experience as you go through

the Get Your Book Done® program…

What you’ll experience as you go through the Get Your Book Done® program…

  • Twelve (12) Comprehensive Training Modules with 44 Video Lessons

  • Forty-Four (44) Easy-To-Follow Action Guides (one for each lesson!)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS So You Can Use It For Future Books, Too!

  • Twelve (12) Comprehensive Training Modules with 44 Video Lessons

  • Forty-Four (44) Easy-To-Follow Action Guides (one for each lesson!)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS So You Can Use It For Future Books, Too!

  • Access to the private Get Your Book Done Authors community on Facebook

But I have a little more for you, too.

These bonuses are worth $1,000 but they’re included with your program

at no additional charge when you enroll on this page…

Bonus One

End Procrastination, Get Unstuck and Write with Ease With You Our “Prime Your Mind for Writing” Mindset Tool

“Rewire” Your Brain in Only 5 Minutes a Day to Make Writing Easy

“Prime Your Mind for Writing” is our powerful, scientifically-backed mindset tool carefully crafted to help you get past writer’s black, confusion and overwhelm so you can start - and finish - writing your book.

Using my 10+ years of experience coaching thousands of authors, I’ve distilled the essential mindset shifts every author needs to write with focus, confidence and speed.   And, I’ve partnered with the experts at Positive Prime to deliver these mindset shifts directly to your brain via their life-changing technology.

Bonus Two

Exclusive Invitation to our Private 2-Day Transformational Author Mastermind


Imagine spending two immersive days with me as your coach, my team and a phenomenal group of like minded authors. 

We’ll brainstorm your book, collaborate on how to get more visibility for your message, set exciting goals and a plan to achieve them, and answer your every question to make your book the best and most impactful it can be.  Plus, you’ll walk away with new friends, fans and people eager to support you on your book writing journey.

Bonus Two

5 Hours of Exclusive Training from Top Publishing Industry Leaders

Behind-the-Scenes Advice on Writing, Publishing & Marketing Your Book

Imagine sitting down for an intimate conversation with Eckhart Tolle’s publisher, Jack Canfield’s literary agent and three New York Times and Amazon best-selling authors… one who has sold more than 25 million copies world-wide. 

With this bonus, that’s exactly what you’ll get! Special access to five of my most powerful behind-the-scenes interviews with Eckhart Tolle’s publisher Marc Allen, literary agent Wendy Keller, Olympic gold medalist and New York Times best-selling author Scott Hamilton, New York Times best-selling author Kristine Carlson from the “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” series, and Amazon best-seller, Sandra Joseph, the world-record holder for most performances as leading lady, Christine, in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.  

These industry powerhouses hold nothing back as I get them to pull back the curtain and share their best tips, tools, stories and strategies.

These videos have been living in my “master vault,” but right now, the only way you can get access to them is by joining Get Your Book Done.

Bonus One

End Procrastination, Get Unstuck and Write with Ease With You Our “Prime Your Mind for Writing” Mindset Tool

“Rewire” Your Brain in Only 5 Minutes a Day to Make Writing Easy

“Prime Your Mind for Writing” is our powerful, scientifically-backed mindset tool carefully crafted to help you get past writer’s black, confusion and overwhelm so you can start - and finish - writing your book.

Using my 10+ years of experience coaching thousands of authors, I’ve distilled the essential mindset shifts every author needs to write with focus, confidence and speed. And, I’ve partnered with the experts at Positive Prime to deliver these mindset shifts directly to your brain via their life-changing technology.

Bonus Two

Exclusive Invitation to our Private 2-Day Transformational Author Mastermind


Imagine spending two immersive days with me as your coach, my team and a phenomenal group of like minded authors.  We’ll brainstorm your book, collaborate on how to get more visibility for your message, set exciting goals and a plan to achieve them, and answer your every question to make your book the best and most impactful it can be.  Plus, you’ll walk away with new friends, fans and people eager to support you on your book writing journey.

Bonus Three

5 Hours of Exclusive Training from Top Publishing Industry Leaders

Behind-the-Scenes Advice on Writing, Publishing and Marketing Your Book

Imagine sitting down for an intimate conversation with Eckhart Tolle’s publisher, Jack Canfield’s literary agent and three New York Times and Amazon best-selling authors… one who has sold more than 25 million copies world-wide. 

With this bonus, that’s exactly what you’ll get! Special to five of my most powerful behind-the-scenes interviews with Eckhart Tolle’s publisher Marc Allen, literary agent Wendy Keller, Olympic gold medalist and New York Times best-selling author Scott Hamilton, New York Times best-selling author Kristine Carlson from the “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” series, and Amazon best-seller, Sandra Joseph, the world-record holder for most performances as leading lady, Christine, in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.  

These industry powerhouses hold nothing back as I get them to pull back the curtain and share their best tips, tools, stories and strategies.

These videos have been living in my “master vault,” but right now, the only way you can get access to them is by joining Get Your Book Done.

So let’s recap:

When you invest in yourself and enroll in the Get Your Book Done self-paced program, you will receive:

  • Twelve (12) Comprehensive Training Modules with 44 Video Lessons

  • Forty-Four (44) Easy-To-Follow Action Guides (one for each lesson!)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS So You Can Use It For Future Books, Too!

  • Twelve (12) Comprehensive Training Modules with 44 Video Lessons

  • Forty-Four (44) Easy-To-Follow Action Guides (one for each lesson!)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS So You Can Use It For Future Books, Too!

  • Access to the private Get Your Book Done Authors community on Facebook


  • Free Access to My “Prime Your Mind for Writing” Mindset Tool

  • 5 Hours of Exclusive Training from Top Publishing Industry Leaders

  • Private invitation to our 2-Day Transformational Author Mastermind

  • Free Access to My “Prime Your Mind for Writing” Mindset Tool

  • 5 Hours of Exclusive Training from Top Publishing Industry Leaders

"Jump Started My Book Writing Process"

Christine’s Get Your Book Done program jump-started my book writing process at a time when I felt lost, stuck, and isolated. I could feel her heartfelt encouragement every step of the way. She’s like a best friend/mentor/soul sister nudging you forward, coaxing your message out of your heart and onto the page. I am so grateful for her service to transformational authors everywhere. I highly recommend her if you need support in birthing your book – and let’s face it – who doesn’t?

Sandra JosepH

Record-Breaking Broadway Star

Best-Selling Author, Unmasking What Matters

“The Simple Steps I Desperately Needed”

Writing prose, with an outline and chapters seemed impossible since I am a very disorganized person who is also blind. I needed help writing my book and Christine’s Get Your Book Done program provided the simple steps I desperately needed. I not only began her program but I finished it and now I’m a published author. I still can’t believe it!

Lauren Merryfield

Author, There’s More Than One Way to Be Okay

“Writing Became Super Easy For Me”

The proven, methodical Get Your Book Done process takes authors from the first step to the last. I came to the program with an idea for a small pamphlet and ended up with a beautifully published book. In lieu of a forced formula like so many other writing programs, Get Your Book Done allowed the process to flow so naturally
that writing became super easy for me
. If you know you have a book (or more) inside you and feel it’s now time to release it to the world, I would highly recommend Get Your Book Done!

Dr. Janet M. Bieschke

Author, I’m Sorry, I Love You,Goodbye

Now let’s talk about money.

Other “book writing” programs out there can cost upward of $10,000 for you, with little to show at the end of your term… because it didn’t work for you. 

But I know how important it is for you to get your book done. I want to be your ally – your greatest asset – in that endeavor. 

That’s why I won’t ask for $10,000 to join this program. 

And no, I won’t ask for the Market Price of $2,997 for the program. 

It’s certainly worth that. But on this page, I won’t ask for even that much. 

But this conversation is not a matter of money. Not really. 

Because how much is your

book truly worth?

What would your readers say, after experiencing the transformation your book gave them?

Can you put a price on the lives you will impact, inspire, transform and forever, irrevocably change for the better?

  • What is the cost of a saved marriage?

  • What is the cost of reversing or even healing a disease naturally?

  • What is the cost of finally finding inner peace?

  • What is the cost of living your best life?

  • What is the cost of an exciting career change?

You and I both know that even ONE of those lives changed is priceless. 

Now multiply that by the hundreds or thousands of lives your book could change. And another question… How would your life change if you could finally publish your book?

That’s the most important question. 

Because until you’re ready to invest in yourself enough to make it happen, nothing else matters. 

Because how much is your

book truly worth?

What would your readers say, after experiencing the transformation your book gave them?

Can you put a price on the lives you will impact, inspire, transform and forever, irrevocably change for the better?

  • What is the cost of a saved marriage?

  • What is the cost of reversing or even healing a disease naturally?

  • What is the cost of finally finding inner peace?

  • What is the cost of living your best life?

  • What is the cost of an exciting career change?

You and I both know that even ONE of those lives changed is priceless. 

Now multiply that by the hundreds or thousands of lives your book could change. And another question… How would your life change if you could finally publish your book?

That’s the most important question. 

Because until you’re ready to invest in yourself enough to make it happen, nothing else matters. 

But here’s what I know:

  • I know you’re serious about writing your transformational book. 

  • I know you want to change lives for the better with your message. 

  • I know you’re here to make a difference, to answer a calling that’s higher than yourself.

But here’s what I know:

  • I know you’re serious about writing your transformational book. 

  • I know you want to change lives for the better with your message. 

  • I know you’re here to make a difference, to answer a calling that’s higher than yourself.

I’m right there with you. 

And that’s why I’ve put this program together, with these specific bonuses, to make it possible for you to finally get your book finished and in the hands of the people who need it most. 

The people who make their way to this page are the seekers…

Ones looking for a way to finally, finally bring their book to life. 

Those are the people I want to help the most. 

YOU are the person I want to help the most.

That’s why, on this page only, and for a limited time… 

You can join the Get Your Book Done® course with a generous savings, on this page only. 

My team and I are ready and waiting to welcome you into this life-changing work. 

To give you the step-by-step proven plan and practical tools to help you do ONE THING…


What's included:

  • Twelve (12) Comprehensive Training Modules with 44 Video Lessons



  • Forty-Four (44) Easy-To-Follow Action Guides (one for each lesson!)



  • LIFETIME ACCESS So You Can Use It For Future Books, Too!



Plus 2 Bonuses:

  • Free Access to My “Prime Your Mind for Writing” Mindset Tool



  • 5 Hours of Exclusive Training from Top Publishing Industry Leaders



Total Value: $4,800

I’m thrilled to help you get started today:

Instant Lifetime access!

One-Time Payment


no. 02

Budget Friendly Pay Plan

6 Payments of $297

no. 01

Save nearly $200 off the already-reduced price when you choose Full Payment

no. 02

Go with the budget-friendly

6-Payment plan

Here’s what makes this

program special…

I’ve created this program with a sprinkling of guided meditation and directed visualization to help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind…

So you automatically start writing your book naturally and effortlessly.

But don’t worry — this works even if you don’t believe in meditation or other “new age-y stuff.”

It’s simply tapping into human psychology and brain function in a way that “flips on a switch” in the recesses of your mind…

And triggers all the resources you’ll need to start, write, and finish your book.

Basically, I’ve worked it out so you will write your book

Even if you’re not clear on what you want to write yet…

  • Even if you’re struggling with negative self-talk, self-doubts and emotional limits…

  • Even if you work 60 hour weeks, run a business or have children to take care of…

That’s how powerful this program is.

Here’s what makes this

program special…

I’ve created this program with a sprinkling of guided meditation and directed visualization to help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind…

So you automatically start writing your book naturally and effortlessly.

But don’t worry — this works even if you don’t believe in meditation or other “new age-y stuff.” I guarantee it.

It’s simply tapping into human psychology and brain function in a way that “flips on a switch” in the recesses of your mind…

And triggers all the resources you’ll need to start, write, and finish your book.

Basically, I’ve worked it out so you will write your book

  • Even if you’re not clear on what you want to write yet…

  • Even if you’re struggling with negative self-talk, self-doubts and emotional limits…

  • Even if you work 50 hour weeks, run a business or have children to take care of…

That’s how powerful this program is.

“Exponentially Grew My Business”

I’m so grateful I found the Get Your Book Done program to write and publish my book! Since doing so, I wrote my book, became a published author and quickly established my authority as a top leader in my field. I sold 50,000+ copies of my book, and exponentially grew my business, yet best of all is that Christine’s powerful process completely transformed who I see myself to be in the world.

Dallas Travers

Author, The Tao of Show Business

“Featured in Top Media Outlets”

I knew for years I wanted to write a book, but I wasn’t sure what steps to take to accomplish that. So, I was relieved when I discovered Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program. Finally, I found someone who practically held me by the hand and showed me the step-by-step process for getting my book written and published in a way that would help me grow my business. Now, that I’m published, I’ve gained credibility in my business as The Dog Expert. It’s provided me the opportunity to be featured in top media outlets like Fox & Friends, ABC NEWS NOW, Animal Planet and now as a columnist for FIDO FRIENDLY magazine.

Sheryl Matthys

Author, Leashes and Lovers

“Now Speaking Internationally At

Industry Conferences”

If you’re looking for a program that is authentic, genuine and filled with heart and structure – Get Your Book Done is for you! I tried two other programs/coaches first. They both provided excellent self-awareness but did not provide me with the tools to support my dream of writing my book about resiliency and preventing burnout. After joining Get Your Book Done and working with Christine and her awesome team, I’m a proud published author and now speaking internationally at industry conferences.

Beth Bennatti Kennedy

Author, Career ReCharge

I believe in this program – I believe in your success in this program –

So much that I’m putting a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE on it.

We know you’re serious about finally sitting down and writing your book, so you can transform your life, your readers’ lives and the world at large. You want to make a genuine impact… and make a solid income from it.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this guarantee.

By now, you should already know the Get Your Book Done program will hand you the simple steps to completing your book from beginning to end, using a proven and strategic process — that at the same time, doesn’t sacrifice quality, integrity and the “soul” of your message.

So I’ll make this easy for you. Invest in Get Your Book Done®. Review it. Study it. Use every tool, exercise and process to write your book. And if, by the end of 14 days, you’re not well on your way with your book …

Then give us the word and we’ll refund every penny you invested. 

This is how strongly I believe in this program. This is how much I believe in you. I’ll happily take all the risk if it means you give yourself this chance. 

I believe in this program – I believe in your success in this program –

So much that I’m putting a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE on it.

We know you’re serious about finally sitting down and writing your book, so you can transform your life, your readers’ lives and the world at large. You want to make a genuine impact… and make a solid income from it.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this guarantee.

By now, you should already know the Get Your Book Done program will hand you the simple steps to completing your book from beginning to end, using a proven and strategic process — that at the same time, doesn’t sacrifice quality, integrity and the “soul” of your message.

So I’ll make this easy for you. Invest in Get Your Book Done®. Review it. Study it. Use every tool, exercise and process to write your book. And if, by the end of 14 days, you’re not well on your way with your book …

Then give us the word and we’ll refund every penny you invested. 

This is how strongly I believe in this program. This is how much I believe in you. I’ll happily take all the risk if it means you give yourself this chance. 

How much is having a published book worth to you?

I asked you this already, but take a moment and truly consider your answer to the question. 

When you look ten, twenty years from now… will you regret not having started, written, and finished your book NOW? 

I can tell you — right now — joining the Get Your Book Done program at the low investment we’ve asked is nothing compared to living a life of yearning, quiet desperation and regrets… always wondering how life would be different with your book out there in the world.

How much energy will you drain from your LIFE for not having your book written? Every time you open up your computer or the drawer and see your notes, your ideas in your head…  How long will you shrug off (or worse, lie to) your well-meaning family and friends who ask about how your book is coming along?

That’s just a portion of the true cost of not joining this program.

Don’t let that happen to you. 

How much is having a published book worth to you?

I asked you this already, but take a moment and truly consider your answer to the question. 

When you look ten, twenty years from now… will you regret not having started, written, and finished your book NOW? 

I can tell you — right now — joining the Get Your Book Done program at the low investment we’ve asked is nothing compared to living a life of yearning, quiet desperation and regrets… always wondering how life would be different with your book out there in the world.

How much energy will you drain from your LIFE for not having your book written? Every time you open up your computer or the drawer and see your notes, your ideas in your head…  How long will you shrug off (or worse, lie to) your well-meaning family and friends who ask about how your book is coming along?

That’s just a portion of the true cost of not joining this program.

Don’t let that happen to you. 

So here’s my last question for you: 

Will your book get out into the world and change lives… or will your beautiful ideas stay stuck in your head, never to see the light of day?

What you have right now inside your head is precious, beautiful, and powerful enough to transform thousands of lives around the world.  Not to mention what it will do for you personally, and your business!

It doesn’t matter where you are in the writing process. Maybe you only have a seed of an idea… or you’ve started to flesh out your outline…or you’re struggling with how to do it all and in what order.

What you have right now inside your head is precious, beautiful, and powerful enough to transform thousands of lives around the world.  Not to mention what it will do for you personally, and your business!

It doesn’t matter where you are in the writing process. Maybe you only have a seed of an idea… or you’ve started to flesh out your outline…or you’re struggling with how to do it all and in what order.

We’re going to break through all of your book’s obstacles together.

It begins with you joining the Get Your Book Done® program. There, you’ll be guided through my proven book-writing system, at a pace that fits your life. 

This is the same system I used, my clients have used, and what many bestselling and award-winning authors use. You could be next!

It begins with you joining the Get Your Book Done(r) program. There, you’ll be guided through my proven book-writing system, at a pace that fits your life. 

This is the same system I used, my clients have used, and what many bestselling and award-winning authors use. You could be next!

“More Breakthroughs Than I Can Count”

Get Your Book Done made it possible for me to be the woman I always hoped I could be. Christine’s powerful process – made possible by her razor sharp intuition – guided me every step of the way. Not only did I get my book done but I experienced more life-changing breakthroughs than I can count. I used to be a frustrated and doubtful aspiring author, but now my book is published and I’m pinching myself that I finally did it.

Veronica R. Lynch, PhD, LCSW

Author, Undocumeted

“Sailed Through Finishing My Book”

I was on the verge of throwing away my manuscript until I met you, Christine. Literally! I was discouraged and thought I’d never figure out how to write a truly great book. After following your system, I not only sailed through finishing that book, but I now have two books published with Hay House and I’m impacting lives around the world.

Gerry Gavin

Author, Messages from Margaret & If You Could Talk to an Angel

“I Wrote My Book, Left My Job and Started a Mission-Driven Business”

My life is completely different since working with Christine and going through her transformational author process. When we met, I was a government attorney who secretly talked to angels, and didn’t have the courage to leave my draining job to pursue my passion. Well, thanks to Christine, and Get Your Book Donet, I did it! I wrote my book, left my job and now work full-time in, and on, my mission-driven business!

Lilia Shoshanna Rae

Author, The Art of Listening to Angels

My team and I can’t wait to welcome you to the program.

Write Powerfully!

Christine Kloser

USA Today & Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author

Transformational Author Coach

Award-Winning Publisher

© Get Your Book Done LLC 2024 – All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Earnings Disclaimer

My team and I can’t wait to welcome you to the program.

Write Powerfully!

Christine Kloser

USA Today & Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author

Transformational Author Coach

Award-Winning Publisher